North Carolina jobs that have high fatality rates

If you leave your home each day to get to your North Carolina workplace, there’s no guarantee that you’ll safely arrive at your destination. However, you can reasonably expect that motorists with whom you share the road will adhere to traffic laws and safety regulations, thus reducing the chances that a collision resulting in injury might occur. Commuting isn’t the only dangerous part of work, though, especially if your job has a high fatality risk.

The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics often publishes information regarding workplace injuries throughout each state. It also issues comparison information, meaning how North Carolina compares to the other 49 states in rates of injury and death in the workplace. If you happen to work in one of several distinct industries, your risk for a fatal accident on the job skyrockets.

Transportation accidents top the list for most dangerous work environments

Traveling to and from work might not be your only danger in the workplace, but it’s definitely one of the greatest risks you encounter each day. In fact, of the 189 fatal on-the-job incidents in North Carolina in 2020, 75 of them occurred in motor vehicle accidents. Perhaps you leave the office during the day to make deliveries or travel to various job sites. The nature of your job automatically places you in a high-risk category.

Are you exposed to toxins in the workplace?

In addition to many hazards involved in motor vehicle travel in the workplace, the second greatest risk you face as an employee in our state is exposure to harmful substances. During the same year that 75 people died in motor vehicle collisions on the job, 36 fatalities occurred because of exposure to harmful substances in their work environment.

These two categories alone comprise nearly 60% of all fatal injuries that occurred throughout the state in 2020. Do you routinely use chemicals to carry out your duties in the workplace? Have you, perhaps, been exposed to asbestos on the job? Another relevant question to consider is whether your employer has fulfilled the obligation to provide proper training, equipment and information to help you stay safe at all times.

Do you work in one of these three industries?

While there’s no such thing as a job that is 100% risk-proof against workplace injuries, there are several injuries that have a higher risk than others. If you work in the construction industry, warehouse industry or private transportation sector, the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics lists your job as one of themost dangerous types of workin North Carolina.>

In addition to car accidents and harmful substance exposure, you may also be at risk for slip-and-fall accidents in your workplace or injuries involving heavy objects or mechanized equipment.

Taking swift action is a key factor in post-accident recovery

If you’re involved in a workplace accident, it’s always best to seek immediate medical attention, even if you believe your injuries are minor. There are several reasons for this. First, many injuries, including several types of brain injury, have delayed symptoms, meaning you might not be immediately aware of your condition.>

Seeking medical attention also starts the collection of written documentation of your workplace accident, which may be helpful down the line, especially if you wind up filing a workers’ compensation claim or personal injury lawsuit. The details provided in your medical records may be a key factor toward obtainingbenefits that can help offset medical billsand other financial distress that may be associated with your injuries.

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