Understanding why a workers’ compensation claim may be denied

Suffering an injury while on the job can be a stressful experience that could leave a person in North Carolina facing a long road to recovery. Individuals who encounter a similar circumstance could choose to seek much-needed financial aid through the workers’ compensation insurance system, but what happens if one’s claim is denied? Understanding the possible reasons for a denial could play a vital role in preparing to protect one’s interests during the appeals process.

There are numerous circumstances in which a workers’ compensation claim could result in denial. For instance, there could be certain regulations in place concerning the amount of time a person has to report an injury and failing to do so in the required time frame could impact one’s eligibility. In addition, there may also be a time limit for filing a workers’ compensation claim.

There may also be certain scenarios in which one’s employer chooses to dispute the claim, or in which the injuries one suffers in the incident do not fall under those considered compensable. A claim may also result in denial if one fails to provide sufficient evidence of medical care. One may also receive a similar decision if there is not enough evidence to show that the injury occurred while performing job-related duties.

While receiving a denial for workers’ compensation benefits can be an intimidating experience, one may still retain the right to appeal the decision. Those who wish to seek guidance on how to better prepare for this process could find it helpful to speak with an attorney for assistance in preparing for what comes next. An attorney can provide a person with insight on why the initial claim may have resulted in a denial and assist him or her in preparing to seek the full amount of compensation achievable through the proper channels.

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