4 facts about living with CRPS/RSD

Sometimes, an injury can progress into something more severe. A good example is a broken bone that leads to complex regional pain syndrome. CRPS, formally known as regional pain syndrome, is a neuro-inflammatory disorder that, according to the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association, causes severe pain due to swelling in the sympathetic nervous system. If you have a recent diagnosis of CRPS in North Carolina, it will help you to become more familiar with the condition.

This is especially true if you developed CRPS as a result of a work injury and would like to collect workers’ compensation. The condition is not as straightforward as other injuries or disorders, so the more you know, the better you can work on your claim.

  1. It takes a team

Treatment for CRPS is not one-size-fits-all; everyone reacts differently to treatment. You will probably have multiple doctors and professionals who work with you to provide various treatment methods. It is often a combination approach that works best.

  1. There is no cure

CRPS does not have a cure. As of now, you can only manage symptoms. The International Research Consortium is currently working on trying to find a cure while also working toward producing better treatment options that provide superior relief compared to the current treatment options.

  1. Diagnosis is tricky

Getting a CRPS diagnosis is not always easy. This fact may work against you if you are trying to secure workers’ compensation benefits because your condition was a result of a work-related injury. It often takes a medical professional time and careful examination to diagnose the condition.

  1. It changes your life

Because CRPS produces extreme pain, it can alter your whole life. Something as simple as dressing may no longer be an option because the feel of clothing may produce too much pain. For some people, symptoms are so bad that they cannot walk.

Learning about this condition can also help you to know there are people who understand what you are going through. Having support is vital when you have CRPS.

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