Back injuries continue to affect the lives of many workers

There may be few things in life as stressful as suffering injuries at work, and while you might feel it vital to take steps to ward off safety risks, sometimes things might not always be so simple. Some job tasks could place substantial strain on your body over time, and intense physical acts and rapid motions may also create various health risks.

Back pain remains one of the most common types of injuries in a multitude of job fields, and such health concerns could take a devastating toll on various areas of your life. Back injuries could present with various types of symptoms, and seeking swift medical attention for such concerns could be integral to protecting your well-being.

Possible symptoms

Signs of a back injury might not always appear right after an accident, and sometimes constant strain to your back could cause symptoms to manifest and intensify over time. Some prevalent symptoms of back injuries could include:

  • Intense pain: Issues such as strains to muscles or ligaments and ruptured or herniated discs could cause you to experience intense levels of pain. This pain could radiate through various parts of your body.
  • Loss of sensation: Some types of back injuries could also cause you to experience sensations of numbness or tingling in your extremities, and seeking swift treatment for such symptoms may be imperative.
  • Weakness and spasms: Experts indicate that back injuries could also present with symptoms such as constant and uncontrollable muscle spasms, or cause you to struggle with feelings of weakness.
  • Breathing and fever: Some severe types of back injuries could even lead to serious issues such as difficulty with breathing patterns or cause you to encounter bouts with high fevers.

Back injuries could also affect your mobility and ability to carry out everyday tasks, and if you encounter such challenges, you might have questions about how best to protect your future in North Carolina.

Financial aid during recovery

Although dealing with the pain of similar workplace injuries can prove taxing enough as is, you may also have concerns about how to manage the financial hardships involved. Such injuries may also affect your ability to return to work, and dealing with a loss of wages and high medical costs can be a stressful and intimidating process. While you might be eligible for much needed aid via the workers’ compensation insurance system, you may have questions about how best to prepare to navigate this process.

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