Workplace accidents may cause traumatic brain injuries

Traumatic brain damage in a common injury that occurs in workplace environments across the country. From warehouses and construction sites to offices and retail shops, brain injuries can happen in a myriad of industries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 155 people are killed every day as a result of brain injuries. In a single year, brain injuries send 2.87 million Americans to emergency rooms and hospitals. These deadly injuries can be caused by slip-and-fall accidents, objects falling on workers and workers falling from heights.

The brain, composed of soft tissue, sits suspended in fluid within the skull cavity. A sudden impact or a blunt force can cause the soft brain tissue to bounce about within the cavity and hit into the hard skull bone. This can cause brain bruising, inflammation and bleeding. While the symptoms of a brain injury may not show immediately after an accident occurs, the brain may continue to swell and increasing pressure in the skull cavity can cause further damage.

People who are injured in an accident should seek medical attention immediately to rule out traumatic brain damage. It is also important to keep an eye out for the signs and symptoms of brain injuries, which can include the following:

  • Persistent headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle tingling or weakness
  • Dizziness, confusion and memory loss
  • Sensory deficiencies, such as trouble seeing or hearing

Severe brain damage can cause convulsions and even loss of consciousness. TBI can have long-term damage. However, if injuries are caught early on, people may have more favorable outcomes.

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